Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Flash

The Flash is a new function for computers brought in the 1990s, when the internet was at it worst.The Flash brought web-based video, animation, and interactivity into ubiquity; it allowed designers and developers alike to make a new kind of rich context that would work on any computer or browser. Flash Player plug-in guaranteed the content would look and behave the same way for anyone who loaded it, regardless of computer or browser.

 Apple decided not to support Flash in the iPhone build in 2007, Steve Jobs said that he used HTML5 instead of the Flash because HTML5 has all standards pertaining to the web should be open.

In spit of this, Flash is better still because it has advanced video serving features like DRM and full-screen support, it also provides the best platform for YouTube's video distribution requirements.

 In 2011, Adobe released a new product called Edge Animate, it was a new way to create HTML5 content for mobile devices. But by 2015 Adobe discontinued Edge Animate, on the other hand Adobe renamed the Flash Professional app to Animate CC. Animate CC would be Adobe's "premier web animation tool for developing HTML5 content while continuing to support the creation of Flash content."

 Facebook wanted to make games for there mobile apps but did not want to use Flash, they tried with HTML5 and Javascript but they stopped the project, then recently launched Instant Games,"a new HTML5 cross-platform gaming experience, on Messenger and Facebook News Feed for both mobile and web." Then Google blocked Flash by its default on Chrome.

All the websites that use Flash are still good and Flash is still up and good even though two major sites rejected it. Firefox uses Adobe Flash and it looks good.

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