Thursday, May 25, 2017

Web Design End of Year Reflection


What I would take away form technology is how we make our websites. I learned using technology by watching the videos that Mr. Olson puts out and by even making my own websites with my own design. Its is important to use technology because the world is growing and we are growing with it so these days it is good to know about technology. I had faced many challenges along the way but whenever had a challenge I would just ask MR.Olson and he would help me.


The one thing that I took away form collaboration is how I would get help with the projects because they are mostly independent work. I learned collaboration by talking with others to get things done on my projects, if I needed help I would ask someone. It is very important to collaborate so that everyone knows what they are doing within class or a group project. I didn't face any challenges with collaboration, I knew what to do when I had a question.


One thing that I would take away from using communication is that I do to much of it. I talk way to much in-class and I shouldn't do as much. I learned communication by knowing the people around me and talking and asking questions to them. It is very important to learn communication so that when someone needs to ask a question, present a presentation, or are not on task they can talk or ask about a subject. I do not face any challenges with this, for one thing I need to do less communication then I normally do.

Project Management

One thing that I would take away form project management is that I know when things need to be done and how to do them well. I learned project management by making these projects and using the time I need to get the project Im working on done in the time that it needs to be. It is very important to learn this so that you know how to do projects well in the time that its needs to be. I would say that I had faced some problems along the way but I got through them.


The one thing that I would take away form leadership is not much because we mostly did independent work but the help that I gave other people is a little bit of leadership so I guess that would work. I learned leadership by helping out other people if they were behind and they would need to get caught up, so I would try to push them along to hurry up and not mess around. It is important to learn leadership because you never know when you would be needed as a leader to lead other people to do something, also if you were to be a manager or boss you would have to know how to lead your employes. I didn't have any trouble with this because there was not much opportunity to be one.

Strengths and Weaknesses

My greatest strength within this class is that I get things done and I try my best to make sure that they look good and acceptable. I have improved in strength by having more knowledge of what we are doing within this class. By knowing how to do certain thing that I didn't know toward the beginning. My main weakness is that I talk to much in class which is a problem because it makes my projects a little sloppy and I would turn in some a little late. I have stopped though and i dont talk as much which makes everything a lot better. I still need to work on not asking so many questions and knowing what to do, also not being behind others on projects which requires me not to be one my phone as much.

What I've learned

What I will do with what I have learned is I will take that and use it for the future like next year since I will be going back into web design and also for future jobs and just when I am bored.

What I Would Change

There is not much I would change about this year I just wish that I wouldn't have messed around as much as i did. It would have made my projects a lot better looking if I wouldn't have been on my phone as much.


Thank you Mr. Olson for a great year, I will see you again next year. Have a great summer.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Technical Tutorial Post

How to place a matte
I will teach you to put down a matte on a background so you can block off with what you add onto your project, for example I will be showing you my project of when I make an explosion come out of a building.

1. Find out what you are going to be putting the matte over

2. left click on the layer then go to the side and right click the click "New" and then "Solid"

3. A window should pop up and there you can change the color, the dimensions, and the name of the matte

4. Once it looks good press "ok", The colored matte should come up but don't worry

5. Click on the Pen tool and start placing where you want your matte to be, you can place more if you like

6. And you should be done, thats it

Animation End of Year- Reflection


With technology I learned many things, one of which is how to make a fire look real by adding debris, some lighting around the fire, and having a sound affect. All of that deals with editing using after effects. It was important because  now I know how to edit and I may use it in the future. I also faced some challenges and when something didn't make since to me I had asked my fellow classmates.


One thing that I would take away from this classroom about collaboration is when we were making our final project, We all had to work together to make sure we all knew what we were doing and also made sure that we were all on task. I learned it once again using that final project because we all had to work together which by doing that makes you learn it along the way. We did face some challenges like when other classmates wanted to use the green screen but we all took turns.


We had to use communication to get things done with that final project as well to see where we were at with it all. I learned communication along the way by meeting new people in the class and working with others to get things done, another way is when I was confused I had to ask what to do next. It is almost the most important thing to communicate that way everyone knows what is going on and what needs to be done, it is extremely important for a multitude of things. I don't think I faced any problem with this, I feel like I need to communicate not as much as I do.

Project Management

I learned project management by knowing when things have to be done and how to do the projects correctly. I learned project management by making sure I am on track with most everyone else and by making sure that it is good. It is important to learn project management so that you know where you are at and making sure you are in the right place while working on a project. I do face some problems with this by being on my phone to much and not working on the same pace as everyone else but throughout the year I have learned how to keep on track.


I didn't take on to much leadership this year but if I needed to I would know how. I learned a little bit of it by working on the project we were just working on by making sure all the things that needed to be added are in and making sure that it looks nice. I didn't face really any problem with this but i could have done more with is though.

Strengths and Weaknesses

My greatest strengths would most likely be working with others well and by doing my part in a project. Also when it is not in a group and by myself I try to make sure that my projects look some what acceptable. My greatest weakness is being on my phone watching  a video when I know I probably shouldn't be. Another one would be goofing off to much when I know I should be getting to work and not messing around. I need to improve on that and need to stop.

With what I have learned in this class I will be taking to next year and throughout all my life in all of my other classes.

There is not much I would change, I felt like this year was a pretty great one. Thanks, Mr. Netterville.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Professional Article Review Post

Choosing a 3D animation
You have to get the right training to get into the school. You have to do well because animation school is expensive. The articles argument is to find a school that suites you for 3D animation.  By supporting this argument he/she is giving off facts about this specific topic. The strengths are that it does give off good information about finding a school but I do believe that it could give off some more information than what it has now. There conclusion is to get in contact with some schools and contact them to see if they are right for you. I do believe that the main point is significant but again I do feel like that it would be more significant if they had added more information. I still kind of iffy about the if the argument supports the main points. The evidence I don't believe convince the readers of how to pick a certain school. I believe that some of the facts are sort of obvious. I do though completely understand all of it.

Link to the website is here

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Professional Project Review

It was nice, it was about these two robots who were working together to collect this green rock, one can see through stone to see if there is that green rock in it and the other would break the rock, they would split the pieces among themselves but when it came time were there was one left, they each wanted it so they fought and by the end one flew away and the other ran out of batteries.

The work of animating was really well done, I loved how well the background, the surroundings, and even the main characters all came together with a dark vibe to it all.

The moral of the story is not let greed get in between people, if they wouldn't have fought over the last piece they would still both be together and working.

One element I would apply to my work is the realism of it, the animation was beautiful.

One element that I have already learned that was used here was how the characters moved.

The creator did many things well such as create a well-constructed scenery and make the animations seem so real, I have already said that but they are so good, he just made everything come together so nicely.

The only way that I can think of that they could have improved upon is the story line seemed a bit off.

Great work on this piece Omeleto, if you did not know already that is the creator of this piece.

Window Resizer Google Extension

Resize browser window to emulate various screen resolutions. This extension re-sizes the browser's window in order to emulate various resolutions. It is particularly useful for web designers and developers by helping them test their layouts on different browser resolutions. The resolutions list is completely customizable (add/delete/re-order). You can set the window's width/height, window's position, preset icon (phone, tablet, laptop, desktop) and even the option to apply the new dimensions to the entire window or just to the viewport. The extension also features customizable global key shortcuts, an option to export your settings and import them on another computer and more!

All you simply need to do is to click on the extension on the top right then it should give you a list of different sizes to use.

This is the list of different sizes to use.

This is very simple to use and it was nice changing the sizes of the application. It did exactly what it was supposed to do. I wouldn't really recommend it to others though because all it does is change the size of the application.

WhatFont Google Extension

The easiest way to identify fonts on web pages. With this extension, you could inspect web fonts by just hovering on them. It is that simple and elegant.It also detects the services used for serving the web fonts.

Just hover over fonts and than it gives you what font it is a gives a little description of the family of fonts, the size of the font and more.

It was a very simple extension to use. It does exactly what you want it to do. I would recommend to others who are interested in this or who want  to make a website and see a font they want to use on a website.

Download here

More info

Page Ruler Google Extension

Draw a ruler to get pixel dimensions and positioning, and measure elements on any web page. Page Ruler lets your draw out a ruler to any page and displays the width, height and position of it.

Some features are that you can draw a ruler to any page and view the width, height and top, bottom, left and right position, drag the edges of the ruler to resize it, use the arrow keys to move and resize the ruler, show guides extending from the ruler edges, manually update the size and position of the ruler from the toolbar to make precision changes, enable "Element Mode" to outline elements on the page as you move your mouse over them, navigate through parents, children and sibling elements of any measured element.
This extension is easy to use, and it does what you want it to do. Would recommend to others would are curious to use this.

Download here

More info

Baseliner Chrome Extesion

An extension for designers and developers who care about vertical rhythm. This tool will add a grid layer on top of any website to be used as a guidance when developing interfaces. You can set the horizontal guides to match your specification as well as the starting point, in case you're only concerned about individual modules of your site.

To use this extension you have to click on the extension on the top right then, there you can change the lines by how many pixels are in-between them and how many lines there are.
This is what it should look like when you click on the top right extension, it has to be on a site not on googles main page.

It is very simple to use and not complex at all. It did what it was supposed to do. i would recommend to designers and developers who are designing websites.

Download here

More info

Personal Blog Post

The scope of this project was to make the fire being in the pit seem real. My process for making this was to first outline the fire pit so I could put the fire in it, then to add a light on to the surroundings and to the fire itself, then I added the sound of the fire. I learned more about special effects while I was making this. Professionally I learned how to make it look nice and well done. Next time I would add a different sound that actually makes it sound like a fire. I would keep all the rest about the same like the realism of it. The special effects is what will enhance my next project. Thank you for watching.

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