Thursday, May 25, 2017

Web Design End of Year Reflection


What I would take away form technology is how we make our websites. I learned using technology by watching the videos that Mr. Olson puts out and by even making my own websites with my own design. Its is important to use technology because the world is growing and we are growing with it so these days it is good to know about technology. I had faced many challenges along the way but whenever had a challenge I would just ask MR.Olson and he would help me.


The one thing that I took away form collaboration is how I would get help with the projects because they are mostly independent work. I learned collaboration by talking with others to get things done on my projects, if I needed help I would ask someone. It is very important to collaborate so that everyone knows what they are doing within class or a group project. I didn't face any challenges with collaboration, I knew what to do when I had a question.


One thing that I would take away from using communication is that I do to much of it. I talk way to much in-class and I shouldn't do as much. I learned communication by knowing the people around me and talking and asking questions to them. It is very important to learn communication so that when someone needs to ask a question, present a presentation, or are not on task they can talk or ask about a subject. I do not face any challenges with this, for one thing I need to do less communication then I normally do.

Project Management

One thing that I would take away form project management is that I know when things need to be done and how to do them well. I learned project management by making these projects and using the time I need to get the project Im working on done in the time that it needs to be. It is very important to learn this so that you know how to do projects well in the time that its needs to be. I would say that I had faced some problems along the way but I got through them.


The one thing that I would take away form leadership is not much because we mostly did independent work but the help that I gave other people is a little bit of leadership so I guess that would work. I learned leadership by helping out other people if they were behind and they would need to get caught up, so I would try to push them along to hurry up and not mess around. It is important to learn leadership because you never know when you would be needed as a leader to lead other people to do something, also if you were to be a manager or boss you would have to know how to lead your employes. I didn't have any trouble with this because there was not much opportunity to be one.

Strengths and Weaknesses

My greatest strength within this class is that I get things done and I try my best to make sure that they look good and acceptable. I have improved in strength by having more knowledge of what we are doing within this class. By knowing how to do certain thing that I didn't know toward the beginning. My main weakness is that I talk to much in class which is a problem because it makes my projects a little sloppy and I would turn in some a little late. I have stopped though and i dont talk as much which makes everything a lot better. I still need to work on not asking so many questions and knowing what to do, also not being behind others on projects which requires me not to be one my phone as much.

What I've learned

What I will do with what I have learned is I will take that and use it for the future like next year since I will be going back into web design and also for future jobs and just when I am bored.

What I Would Change

There is not much I would change about this year I just wish that I wouldn't have messed around as much as i did. It would have made my projects a lot better looking if I wouldn't have been on my phone as much.


Thank you Mr. Olson for a great year, I will see you again next year. Have a great summer.

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